10X Your Communication Effectiveness: Say It a Lot, and Make it Stick

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My dad says he has the gift of repetition. In other words, he says the same things over and over. That’s because he understands that people don’t internalize your words until they’ve heard them seven or more times. So,

If it matters, say it a lot. 

It’s like training your children to pick up the towel off the floor. You have to tell them over and over. In your business, this is true for things like,

  • Core Values
  • Core Focus
  • Rocks/Priorities
  • Annual Goals

Talk about the vision. Say where you’re going and why it matters. Repeat yourself often. 

Like being a parent, as the Leader, you have to say the most important things over and over again until your people internalize the words. “Here’s where we’re going. This is how we focus our efforts for the next 90 days. Because we’re doing good in the world, and it’s worth it.”

You’ll think, I’ve already said this so many times. But it’s not enough. If it matters, keep saying it. Find new and fun ways to say the same thing. Tell stories. Show pictures. Say it a lot.

This is the way. There’s no substitute for reinforcing the vision—clearly, creatively, consistently. 

Don’t get frustrated. Think to yourself, Sure, I’ve said this a lot. But I need to keep saying it, maybe forever. There are new people that need to hear it. There are new ways I need to say it. And my people are in new places, so they’ll understand my words and priorities in different ways as they grow and mature. It’s worth it. 

Make it Sticky

In their book, Made to Stick, Chip Heath and Dan Heath talk about why certain ideas are memorable and impactful while others fade away. They distill their findings into six key principles, summarized by the acronym SUCCES: Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotional, and Stories.

  1. Simple: The most effective ideas are clear and easy to understand. They focus on a core message that can be communicated in a way that anyone can grasp. 
  2. Unexpected: To grab and maintain attention, an idea must defy expectations. Surprising or counterintuitive elements create curiosity and make people want to know more. 
  3. Concrete: Abstract concepts often fail to stick because they are hard to visualize. Concrete ideas, on the other hand, use sensory details and specific examples to make messages more relatable and easier to remember.
  4. Credible: For an idea to stick, people must believe it. Credibility can come from authoritative sources, statistics, or vivid, relatable details. 
  5. Emotional: People care about ideas that make them feel something. Appealing to emotions—maybe using or empathy, excitement—ensures that an idea resonates deeply. 
  6. Stories: Stories are a powerful tool for communication because they create emotional connections, provide context, and illustrate complex ideas in a digestible way. 

You, too, can communicate your vision and priorities in more “sticky” ways by deliberately applying these six principles and by repeating yourself often.

Keep it simple. And keep saying the things that matter most. 

Schedule a call with me. 

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